Using Keys To Generate Validation From Serial

  1. Using Keys To Generate Validation From Serial Code
  2. Using Keys To Generate Validation From Serial Download
  1. This dialog allows you to generate the trial registration keys. The registration keys are generated and validated using cryptographic secure algorithms based on RSA public-key signature. The public key is embedded into the licensing library and used to validate the registration key provided by the end-user.
  2. Since we have the serial and user name to validate, we take the user name and generate the serial for the user name as per our algorithm. Once we have the serial number, we compare this against the serial which we got for validation, if both matches then we have a valid key.

Aug 17, 2008 if u are going to store that product serial number in a database please do not use it as the PK of the table but as a secondary item to the database it will help you alot. Apr 03, 2020  How To Find Serial Key Of Any Software in 2020 (Google Hack) Actually, there are some sites that can provide you with the serial key of the software which you want to activate. But the major issue is that you can’t get those sites by directly. Generate serial keys using custom number of columns and characters per column. Serial keys can contain uppercase and/or lowercase charactes and/or numbers. Generate up to 2 million serial keys in one turn (1 million with 32 bit version of SKG). Export serial keys to CSV, TXT documents. Import serial keys from CSV, TXT documents.

how to generate validationKey and decryption Key for web.config

This article describes how to create keys to use for encryption, decryption, and validation of Forms authentication cookie data. You can use the keys that you create in this article for the validationKey and decryptionKey attributes of the <machineKey> section in the <system.web> element in the web.config file or Machine.config.

The following list outlines the recommended hardware, software, network infrastructure, and service packs that you need:

  • Microsoft Windows 2000 or Microsoft Windows XP
  • Microsoft .NET Framework
  • Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)

Create the project

Create a Visual C# .NET console application:

  1. Start Visual Studio .NET.
  2. On File menu, point to New, and then click Project.
  3. Under Project Types, click Visual C# Projects.
  4. Under Templates, click Console application.
  5. Name the project HashConfigCs.
  6. Click OK.

Write the code to generate the keys

The following code reads two arguments that are passed from the command line:

  • The first argument is the number of bytes that is used to create the decryptionKey attribute.
  • The second argument is the number of bytes that is used to create the validationKey attribute.

The code uses a random number generator to create a random number of bytes based on the command-line arguments. After the random bytes are created, the bytes are formatted into a hexadecimal string that is suitable for use in the .config files.

Note The hexadecimal string that is created is twice the size of the value that is passed on the command line. For example, if you specify 24 bytes for a key, the resulting string is 48 bytes in length after the conversion. The valid values for decryptionKey is 8 or 24. This creates a 16 byte key for Data Encryption Standard (DES) or a 48 byte key for Triple DES, respectively. Valid values for validationKey are 20 to 64. This creates keys from 40 to 128 bytes in length. The output from the code is an entire <machineKey> element that you can copy and paste into a web.config file.

Add the following code to a .cs file:

Generate the hashes

Now you can compile the application.

This happens especially with clients which originally support different protocols, and add SSH as yet another one to support. When the client connects, it verifies that the server is using one of these host keys.The client might be configured with one or more host key fingerprints it should expect from the server. Generating ssh keys for git. Many clients exist which do not verify a host key. This means that anyone who is in a network position between the client and the server - including an ISP, or a hacker that gained control of a network gateway - can modify the connection in such a way as to observe, modify, or inject any and all sensitive information without being noticed.A host key is verified by a client as follows:.The client might be configured with the full public key, or several public keys, corresponding to host keys used by the server. Such clients are not secure to use.If the client does not verify the server's host key, it renders the connection vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle attack.

Run the application from a command prompt by passing in two integer values that are the size of the decryption and the validation keys. For example, if you named the console application HashConfigCs.exe, type the following syntax from the command line in the Bindebug directory of the application:

You can expect the application to return output that is similar to the following output:

Note for Machine.config

Using Keys To Generate Validation From Serial Code

Update the configuration file

  1. Locate the Machine.config file.
  2. Locate the <system.web> section in the configuration file.
  3. Replace the <machineKey> section with the output from the console application. If the <machineKey> section does not exist, create it.
  4. Save the configuration file.
  5. Restart IIS on all servers in the Web farm for the Machine.config changes to take effect.


Make sure that the <machineKey> section has identical, explicit keys (that is, do not use the AutoGenerate option for attributes in the <machineKey> section) across the Web farm in the following scenarios:

I am new to cloud hosting and your tutorial has helped me a lot. Google cloud ssh key generation for your instance windows 10. Do you have an idea what may went wrong? I had to restart nginx and php via the command line i don’t know what was wrong.

  • When you use Forms authentication.
  • When you run session state in StateServer mode.
  • When you want ViewState to be available across a Web farm because the enableViewStateMAC attribute is set to True by default.

More information

Using Keys To Generate Validation From Serial Download

The machineKey section should be the same across the web farm in the following cases:

  • When using Forms Authentication.
  • When you run session state in StateServer mode.
  • When you want viewstate to be available across a web farm since enableViewStateMac is turned on by default.
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